Networking for Success – 5 key tips

SR Fashion Start networking for success

This is a standard title I’ve seen over the years. This seems to suggest that networking leads to an end goal and success, which of course it can. However, in my view, if you keep your mind open and build connections without thinking about what you want/need it can lead to much more than this.

SR Fashion Start networking for successAs my career has progressed and evolved, I’ve realised that success isn’t always the end goal. Building connections for mutual support is also invaluable. Over time, I have found that networking is about a network of contacts and reaching out to people that you have something in common with. This isn’t always immediately evident, however if you build a good rapport with someone then run with it, you just never know where the connection might take you. They might know someone that can help you and vice versa.

In the corporate world, where there’s often a sea of people and titles it’s hard to be seen and remembered (think about when you reach out to Buyers how many people they would have spoken to in a day). This is a lengthy process of reaching out and touching base with people and most importantly being yourself.

When working for yourself it can often be lonely place. If you have a network that you’ve built with good connections, this can be an invaluable source for sounding out ideas and asking for advice. I’m a believer that supporting others doesn’t dampen your success.

Here are some tips for networking

  • Find something mutual in common. This doesn’t have to be work related, it could be a love for a holiday destination or that you live in the same area.
  • Be yourself and relax, networking can come across as being formal but it shouldn’t be. Being your authentic self is the best way to forge a connection.
  • Be clear on what you do, and have in mind areas of your business you might need support with. Referrals should be mutual, so be prepared to share your contacts.
  • Have business cards/ look books/ leaflets ready. Once the conversation naturally reaches an end, share details. If a connection has been formed, reach out and stay connected, through email and social media.
  • Networking through social media is just as important particularly when promoting a brand, it doesn’t have to be a direct sell particularly straight away, for example you can reach out to bloggers by commenting on their posts.

SR Fashion Start networking over a coffee

Networking always sounds like such a ruthless way of building contacts and moving your business but in reality, it can be a great way to share ideas, learn something new, offer mutual support or help. At the very least, you’ll always have someone with a friendly ear to lend, over a cup of coffee.






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